27th Scientific Conference Of Microscopy Society Malaysia 2018 (SCMSM2018) | Universiti Putra Malaysia

Event Title
27th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia 2018 (SCMSM2018)
03 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018
08.00 - 05.00
The Mudzaffar Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia
Event Summary
The Microscopy Society of Malaysia was founded in 1991 and at that time was centered at Unit Mikroskopi Elektron, Fakulti Veterinar dan Sains Penternakan, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) and was call “ Electron Microscopy society Malaysia (EMSM)”. The society has since served as an active organisation in Malaysia focusing on all aspects of imaging and analysis techniques which also include not only electron microscopy but other imaging devices like atomic force microscopy, secondary ion mass microscopy, aquastic microscopy, confocal microscopy and various others.Seeing that the field of microscopy and microanalysis have significantly advanced, in 2010 the name of the society has changed to “ Microscopy Society of Malaysia”. This conference has been a yearly event to the society. The conference has an excellent reputation which is strongly recognized within the local and regional microscopy communities, making this meeting a key event in the yearly meeting calendar of hundreds of multidisciplinary scientists and industrial experts. By emphashizing interdisplinary approaches that integrate Life Sciences (Biological, Medical, Agro and Health Sciences) and Physical Sciences (Polymer, Material sciences and engineering), this conference will be the state of art platform that will provide the opportunities for the researches, academicians and scientist to present and dissemination tangible research output.

Updated:: 03/08/2018 [hairul_nizam]

Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000